Welcome to My Pain Fix

For your free consultation and free copy of the Optimal Health and Pain free nutrition guide.

Designed to help you immediately start eliminating pain.

South Beach Pain and Injury

Cold Laser Therapy and Shock Wave Therapy

Cold Laser Therapy and Shock Wave Therapy

The physical therapy (acoustic sound waves), Cutting edge Rehabilitation exercises prescribed based on your individual needs. Coupled with nutritional requirements to optimize not only accelerated healing but also to promote radiant health.

Dr. Steven Bartz

The Muscle Doctor

What makes this clinic truly unique are the state-of-the-art, evidence-based protocols used by professional athletes to address individual patient needs. Every patient is different and requires different forms of treatment to meet their individual goals.

Watching your back,  DR. Steve

ART, Active Release Technique, Graston Technique

ART, Active Release Technique, Graston Technique

We specialize in structural integration looking at the whole body by addressing breathing, your feet, (your foundation), soft tissue management which goes way beyond massage.